Ok, I know it's been awhile, but I thought I'd post this quick. I thought it was hilarious, especially since I"m part of that nintendo generation.
Just so y'all know, wedding plans are pulling together. We have a caterer, and almost have the menu nailed down. We have narrowed invite choices down to a few different options, and all the other big stuff has been taken care of for now.
Classes are kind of crazy, but they're steady crazy, since not much changes week to week, there's just a lot. The opera premieres a week from today, so all next week we're rehearsing every night, building set, and getting costumes together. It should be very fun... we're doing Trial By Jury, if I hadn't mentioned that before (I'm sure I have), and it's in english, so yay! Ok, that's all for now, I need to go eat lunch and rehearse for my lesson.